Elegy , mersiye

mersiye ve ingilizceye  tercümesi; translated by Ahmet Fahreddin Uçar

  • (1978 de vefat eden Hatice Uçar için)

eyvâh gülüm soldu harâb oldu gülistân

çarh eyledi devrân

bülbül yine nâlân

gün doğdu çerâğ söndü kalan eğreti dünyâ

ma’nâsı yok ammâ

devretmede hâlâ

muzlim geceler toprağın altında o cânân

cânım gibi cânân

zindanlara mihmân

gök kubbesi hâlâ yine dilsiz ve mutantan

kahr olsa da insân

gökler içün âsân


âlem yine âlem yine bu kubbe-i hadrâ

durmakta muallâ

gök çökmedi hâlâ

dil derd-i derûnüyle kalır başbaşa ammâ

yâdında o cânâ

dil sadef-i azrâ

feryâdıma ma’kes olur ol kubbe-i tannân

kalbimde pür efgân,

ummân-ı hurûşân

devretmede anda

bir nağme-i hicrân

hicrân, yine hicrân

rü’yâ gibi geçdi hani ol kâkül-i turrâ

sünbül gibi hayfâ

soldu yine hulyâ

âlemde ne gün gördü hazân oldu bahârı

gün görmedi bâri

ol gonce i’zârı

bir şâm-ı garîbâne erip mehr-i temâşâ

sönmüş gibi gûyâ

başlar şeb-i yeldâ

mevcûd ile ma’dûm gibi dünyâ ile ukbâ

dünyâ dahi rü’yâ

müşkil bu muammâ


mevcûd ise varlık nedir encâm-ı karârı

câmi’ yoğu vârı

esrâr-ı mezârı

zulmetlere gark eyledin ol nakş-i nigârı

ol çeşm-i humârı

yaktın dil-i zârı

ya râb benim isyânıma tuğyânıma bakma

zulmetde mi cânâ

zulmetde bırakma

zulmetde bırakma


Alas, my rose have withered, the rose garden spoiled

The time has shifted

And the nightingale is lamenting again.

The day is born but the candle of the lent-world died down

Alas, it has no meaning, Yet it still revolves.

Dark and sinister nights and in obscurity, my beloved lies under the soil

My soul like my beloved

In dungeons resides

In sinister nights

Yet the dome of heaven is mute and glorious

Though one is sorrowful,

Does it heavens trouble?

So far the world is the world still; this, the green heaven, still

Stands exalted

The heavens didn’t collapse yet

But the soul remains with this problem in his heart,

All the more in constant reminiscence of the beloved,

Aye like a pearl contained in an oyster shell.

Repeats my pangs of cry that sonorous sky.

Full of screams is my heart Like a turbulent ocean,

Resounds in that ocean

Revolving this melody

A tune of lamentation

Mournful grievance again

Passed like a dream where is that trace of forelock

As a hyacinth, alas

Faded this fancy again.

What days has she seen in this world? Her spring turned to autumn,

Didn’t see plenty good many days

Her rosecheekes

A wanderer at dusk coming to observe the sun,

Perceived as though it is forever gone,

Thus Commences the winter solstice.

Like the extant and the absent, is this world and the hereafter

Even the world is but a fancy dream:

An intricate mystery.

If present being is the existence, what is it’s ultimate resolve?

Merged together the extant and the absent,

In this tomb of mystery.

O God. You buried into darkness that image of beauty,

That yearning eye,

You’ve burnt my lamenting heart.

My God, disregard my obstinacy, my rebelliousness,

Is my beloved in darkness?

Leave her not in darkness,

Leave not in darkness.



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